The Ripple Effect Workshops!

It's going to be a great day at St John's :)

  • There are currently no events available for registration.

Format for Sunday 16th Feb:

10am Church: Church as usual, workshop during the regular sermon time.  
11.15-12pm: Lunch
12-1.30pm: Workshop 1: Things I’ve learnt from non-Christian friends
4-5.30pm: Workshop 2: 6 types of friends
5.30-6.30pm: Dinner  
6.30pm Church: Church as usual, workshop during the regular sermon time (repeat of workshop from 10am service)

Workshop Attendance


I'd love to help out!


Childminding (Pre-Yr 6): 
Activities organised during Workshop 1 & Workshop 2 (with Safe Ministry Volunteers)

Teens (Yr 7-9): 
Popcorn and a movie during Workshop 1 & Workshop 2 (supervised by Safe Ministry Volunteers)